Public Class WidgetSettingsFactory
Public Function GetItemSettings(Of T As ItemSettings)(ByVal externalName As String, ByVal doc As Document) As ItemSettings
Dim retval As T = GetSettingsFromType(GetType(T))
Dim helpers As New Helpers()
Dim templateId As Integer = doc.TemplateId
Dim nodeId As Integer = doc.NodeId
Dim documentId As Integer = doc.DocumentId
Dim itemProperties As Dictionary(Of String, String) = helpers.GetItemProperties(externalName, templateId)
If Not itemProperties Is Nothing Then
For Each item As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In itemProperties
retval.SetProperty(item.Key, helpers.ReplaceDynPropNameWithValue(item.Value, nodeId))
End If
Dim dataSettings As Dictionary(Of String, String) = helpers.GetDocumentDataSettings(externalName, templateId, documentId)
If Not dataSettings Is Nothing Then
For Each item As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In dataSettings
retval.SetProperty(item.Key, helpers.ReplaceDynPropNameWithValue(item.Value, nodeId))
End If
Return retval
End Function
''' Returns a settings object that is inherited from ItemSettings
''' Type of Settings object
''' A new instance of the incoming type of object
Public Shared Function GetSettingsFromType(ByVal settingsType As Type) As ItemSettings
Return settingsType.Assembly.CreateInstance(settingsType.FullName)
End Function
End Class